Friday, December 9, 2011

Amazing Grace

Seen to be seeing an economic crash that will bring an end to or collapse to all banks, the housing markets, the religious market (churches), calling on all American debt to be paid in full 1996

Seen to be seeing a plethora of natural disasters triggering celebrity induced evacuations (exodus) performing themselves from mudslides, to massive animal stampedes, to snow storms and wind storms, an overabundance of turmoil on the map 10/12/2007 my unnumbered as yet prophecy link.

From A Painting In The Dark, The RAM

My people perish and no man lay it heart, merciful men are lost as though none consider the righteous are taken out of the evil to come GTF, Isa.57:1

My people are dying, dying, and theyre being stripped, behold I will strip their leaders, leave them as in the day they were born GTF, Apb, 1996

What Is The Best Country In The World For Americans To Relocate To Avoid The Coming Economic Collapse?

The Economic Collapse

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Millions of American citizens have already left the United States in search of a better life. As the economy continues to crumble and as our society slowly falls apart, millions of others are thinking about it. But moving to another country is not something to be done lightly.

The reality is that there are a vast array of social, cultural, economic and safety issues to be considered. If you have never traveled outside of North America, then you have no idea how incredibly different life in other parts of the world can be. For those that are unfamiliar with international travel, it can be quite a shock to suddenly be immersed in a foreign culture. In fact, no matter how experienced you are, choosing to relocate to a new country is never easy. But things have gone downhill so dramatically in the United States that picking up and moving to a foreign nation is being increasingly viewed as a viable alternative by millions of Americans. A lot of people have decided that they simply do not want to be in the United States when the excrement hits the fan. So what is the best country in the world for Americans to relocate to in order to avoid the coming economic collapse?

The American Exodus 12/08/2011


-I'd already predicted in these boards that the world protest namely the Arab Spring, The British Fall, The Israeli Summer and American Winter Of Discontent was the beginning of the great falling away the Apostle Paul described in II Thess. 2:3,4 as the one primary end time event that had to happen prior to the great gathering of saints (Rapture). Its, all the world protest is a great descent from the status quo of world politics and economic filibustering that has done nothing but left the people, the societies of these nations completely abandoned and thus hopeless.

-Although what Is being described in the article above, it is then the beginning of the great exodus out of especially the nations of the free world? This vast getaway Ive seen and witness to and forewarn especially in these boards for the last seven years, millions has left the country with millions more contemplating getting out of America.

-When President Obama was yet Senator Obama, the presidential candidate, I teased how God at this time was looking more for a Moses, than another failed as theyd all been American, free world leader. It was apparent and forewarn of me even before the Bush Administration for twenty-five years now that an end hath come to this nation, how there would be wars, Arabian and Asian leaders, an Asian invasion and soon total and utter devastation across this entire nation.

-That nothing would prevent it as Holy Spirits were simply referring to a judgment from God, like the Death Rider Vision of 1996. One whereas I was to understand had come because of describable abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches, which described further, had forsaken God. You see when a world leader is reduced to nothing but a murdering, whoring, saboteur as the American Dream, this isnt simply a threat to the ruination of a nation, but the undoing and wicked disposal of an entire planet of mankind which follow this world organizer.

Prophecy Link

-Seen to taken into flight over the United States, seen to be seeing massive destruction from the Eastern Seaboard to the Western Seaboard. Seen to be seeing a severely destroyed space port, as so a just as damaged White House, the flames and smoke of its burning, nations of the world catastrophes on the map 08/15/ 2001 my seventy seventh prophecy link

-The Rising Above Ministry (RAM) now I finally understand was given to America/Israel/ unto the Apostate church by the millions like a prophet Ezekiel only twenty-five years before God realized His long forewarn judgment. The one for years set against Ezekiels Judah completely wiping it from the planet because nothing of its outlandish abominations was to remain. This is why all my ministry, this is why for the last twenty-five years theyve shown me nothing but utter invasions, wars and complete destruction and various exodus on American soil where millions in one swell swoosh will perish.

-Of course were not simply describing death here, ideally with the mass majority of Americans, like the Judeans underestimating Gods grace. As so His allegiance by Christs cross to mankind, they only have a semblance of righteousness, meaning not only are their lives in danger, but their souls are in danger. Just as so a type of evil that with every immortal law they pass they totally and completely prove themselves more anti-God and thus Anti-Christ, then Holy Spirit. Plainly as I write, as Ive written in these boards for the last seven years, as Ive forewarn for the last twenty-five years an end hath come upon the four corners of this nation and theres nothing to be done except repentance.

Prophecy Link

There's about God hearing the cries of his people, about Moses, an Exodus, even the ten plagues of Egypt all on the map 06/17/2002

-The few seconds just now I had it tuned to the Alex Jones broadcast this morning, there was a gentleman visitor citing how this isnt the end of America. How nothing permanent has been said, or done concerning this unimaginable collapse of the described, greatest nation in the world. There is nothing undeviating he said, about the world-wide crash, I describe she has been in all actuality from day one. Turning it all off I said youre wrong, youre so wrong, just as God spoke it and all great nations, leaders and people with the exception of the Great White Throne Judgment faded away into none existence. The same, people is true for you, for this nation and world leaders, as of December 25th 2001 this end time apostle kid you not, they, your world leaders were given exactly 190 months.

-This would be 15.10 years from December 2001 to lay down all arms regarding kingdom and nation building, to as so yield their condemned souls, at performing a Meshullum (reconcile) Kadesh (be Holy) because the end, as described behind the seventh angel/trumpet (Rev. 10:7, 11:15-19) hath come. Clearly unto the forewarning of the Archangel Gabriel of May 15th 2004, citing, the fulfillment of all things ( all end time biblical prophecy) is upon mankind, straight unto again the sounding of the seventh angel, (Kingdoms of man becoming kingdoms of God), again relinquish your souls or perish from the way of true righteousness forever, (die eternally).

-In the beginning of the Rising Above Ministry (RAM), an outreach ministry beginning with a heavenly throne of God with its back to apostate worship, prayer and assembly. I at this time falling to my knees, begging God to have mercy please, I believed God the Creator of mankind was only showing me one stage of mankind that could easily be fixed with prayer and forewarning if only they knew right? Little did I realize unlike the prophet Ezekiel who had to realize the complete rebellion of a nation, I, I had to instead like a Noahs Ark realize a world of rebellious fellows that would not, that because of their worship of fame, power, mayhem and immoral (Satanic, Demonic, Political ) promiscuity, for they are a rebellious house.

-To be sure, a wicked world of mankind, if theyd ever listened to God the creator of their world, their immortal souls and redeeming Christ, (Jesus), there was no way they were going to listen to Apostle Bradford, to the RAM, to pbradfordm. Though like an Ezekiel even though God described to him how he was sending him to a class of people prudent, hardhearted, neck, that would not listen, he was to go, tell, show, that they would know a prophet sent by God was among them if not for their justification (repentant) for this Supreme God of all gods, warranted judgment to destroy it and them all.

-That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).

Prophecy Link

A Voice Declaring: Get Beyond the Pension, (see Tea Partiers, and Occupy Wall Street, ) get to the hills! 09/04/2002

A Voice Declaring: Theyre dying because of the holocaust 6/09/2002

A Voice Declaring: I will kill everything boldly and necessarily, 03/27/2004

A Voice Declaring: I Will Lay It All To Waste, 04/13/08

Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19

I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158

For Salvation Pray: Im sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.

Listening To: Selah: You Deliver Me

Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory

A Ministry Above